08 December 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow -movie review

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One is based on the first half of the final book in the Harry Potter series. It focuses on Harry and his friends finding Horcruxes to destroy in order be able to defeat Voldemort. However, Harry and his friends have to say hidden from Voldemort while they find these Horcruxes, which leads Harry, Ron and Hermione to go traveling in search of them, and stay in rural areas. Of course since this movie is the first part of one book, you only are getting half of the story via this film. So you have to wait until the second half comes out in July of next year to find out if they succeed in their quest


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One is an action-packed film that at times I found was hard to follow. There were a lot of special effects, almost to the point of making the viewers become dizzy. At least during the traveling scenes it gave me that reaction. The film does include humor, which is something that I find that helps make the characters more real. They also made Harry and his friends stay pretty true to their original character roles from the books over the years, which is nice, since a lot of times actors cause their characters to evolve during the process of acting. I also believe they did a great job at making it seem like they really are casting spells. Since the first couple of the films, their spells have become much more complicated, and I think that it would seem tougher for them to play. However, that has not turned out to be the case.

Characterwise, I think they hit their lines right on and portray the emotions well, also. An example of this would be when Ron is angry at Harry; not only does he speak the lines like he means them but he also really has the emotion for them as well. Even the evil characters like Bellatrix and Voldemort are acted so real that you may really believe that they are, indeed, evil. There is a passion behind each role, and it really shows throughout this movie. They really became their characters, and I love that in a good movie.

For the plot–I think they fitted in everything that is important to the storyline of the book. Like most movies, they sadly could not fit every detail from the book into Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One (or likely even Part Two). Still, I really do not think they skipped much vital info from it or even botched the story. Which is something most movies based on books do, so it is nice to be able to see that was not the case for this series. However, they skip the main trio’s failed attempts at spells, and while those are not key to the story, they do add something to keep the book entertaining that was missing in the movie.

Many times the sets they used are very dark during key events, and in a movie theater that can be tough to see. But they created a great set in which you can really picture witches and warlocks; same goes for the costumes and make-up. When Harry’s eye is swollen shut for his own protection…that was a great make-up job, or a really good special effect. Either way, they did a good job on most of all this except for the inadequate lighting in some parts of the movie.

For the ideal age group, I would say no one younger than age 10 should see it. While it is not a movie that is very bloody or has bad words, it might scare younger kids. You have to remember that this is a fantasy movie and that only. Many people have also stated that the later books in the series are not meant for little kids, and the same goes for the movies. Plus the older you are, the more you will enjoy from this story line since at times it is confusing as I mentioned above.

To wrap up this movie review, I will say that I am happy with how the final movie in this series is turning out thus far. I cannot wait for the second part to come out and see how it ends on screen. For my total rating, 1 out of 10 with 10 being the highest, I would say a 7. It was good, and I did enjoy it a lot, yet I do think that better lighting and editing might have boosted it a little bit. Other than that, it was a great movie that any Harry Potter fan should see.

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